he’s alright. I don’t like watching his swing or putting stroke. Looks really jerky and 50s to me, and makes me feel like I’m getting worse.
Just read this new column on Gofl Digest. It’s fucking funny.
Tim Herron a.k.a. Lumpy, answering reader questions
DEAR LUMPY: I have no issue getting a full shoulder turn and my hands back behind me, which of course helps with consistent distance. However, I struggle to correctly and totally transfer my weight behind the ball. I tend to lean into the ball a bit, not badly, but enough to put more strain on the lower back and lose some distance. As I can’t look in the mirror on the course what feeling or other method do you suggest to cure it? —Thank you, Ben
DEAR BEN: I’ve read your question several times, both sober, and after a few, and can’t quite get a grasp of what your asking. Please email a video of your swing to: Lumpy@GolfDigest.com. In the meantime, my advice is to stop thinking so much.
DEAR LUMPY: I’m 14 years old, 5’9", 155 lbs., and carry a seven handicap. My dad says if I get my grades up to at least a B+ next school year, I can get any set of irons I choose. What do you suggest?—Kevin
DEAR KEVIN: Load up on industrial arts courses, and stay away from advanced math.
Read More http://www.golfdigest.com/magazine/2013-07/dear-lumpy-tim-herron-column08#ixzz2ZW3fHayI