How many 3.0L B6 A4 owners are there in here?

Check for CEL codes for one.

You can see what ECU version and information about the car You can’t find out any other way.

You can use it to program your windows up or windows down with the key fob/remote lock.
One click key fob lock or unlock.
Turn off your seatbelt chime.
In some cars use it to use your fog lights as your running lights.

VAGCOM cable and VCDS software.
Go here to find out what else its used for.

Take a vote on who owns a “Genuine” ROSS-TECH cable?

I bet its a 85% or better are generic.

Plus are You going to lend Your $350. cable to someone?
Chances are You won’t get it back.

Doesnt seem worth it to me

Either way Generic or Genuine You like having one when You need it.

If You do any work on Your car Yourself You’ll love having it.
Use it to reset service intervals.
Got the service warning about Your oil.
Use it to reset it when You changer Your oil.
Regular shops OBD-!! cable/tool wont do that.

Best thing I’ve ever bought for my car, and I doubt you could find 1 person who wouldn’t say the same thing. It will pay for itself MANY times over.

For that I guess but for me I just take to dealer or vag specific shops

I just bought a generic cable about 2 weeks ago. Havent had the chance to use it, since the hard drive on my laptop died. I had already planned on spending the $100 for the registration as well.

I’m mostly just annoyed at the fact that you linked directly to a generic cable with the hacked software. Why not suggest getting a generic cable from ebay and VCDS light? Even at what will probably end up being $120, it is still a great buy for the functionality you get. What would you think if someone copied JHM’s tune and started selling it for $50? Or copied any of their other products and started selling them for cheap? Everyone here tries to support JHM’s efforts as much as possible, why not support Ross-Tech too? Is their product any less valuable and useful?

I have a Genuine cable, it was a great thing to ask for as Christmas gift just after I got my car. If you’re going to ever have another VW/Audi again, and you do any amount of self diagnosis and your own work, I would consider it a must have next to a good tool set, which can easily cost more. You are right that I would never let someone borrow my cable unless they were a very close friend or a family member. However, if anyone needs it, I’d be glad to help them out if they were close and came to meet me to do what they needed. I’ve even offered it for some local people before.

You mean to tell me You have NEVER downloaded music?
NEVER done anything that may be considered dishonest?

If I had freinds that could afford to give $50. as a gift that would be stretching it!

I have an X wife and three kids two with me that puts a lot of stress on an income.

So excuse me for going the short route…

03 avant quattro auto silver metallic

Currently stock. waiting to do the JHM mods and 6 spd swap followed by coils, wheels and tires. It’ll be the best $5 grand I’ll spend.

a4avantguy, It apears You now have the Unicorn of the group.
All the Avants I see in my area are 2.7t’s.

For a tire selection I recomend Continental DWS W rated or Yokohama Avid Invigor’s W rated.
I have Yokohama Invigors and they almost lasted me 2 years.
If You planning on wheels get the tires afterwords.
The wheels most likely will be a different size then the ones You have now.
Winters coming up get winter tires or All seasons on Your old wheels.
Unless Your going big brake kit and wont be able to use them after You do that.

Don’t go cheap on Coilovers/suspension.

I haven’t really been thinking about brakes yet, I figured stock could probably handle everything up to that point but brakes would be next on the list. Eventually I want to supercharge it but I don’t trust the PES kit. I hear JHM has talked about a supercharger kit and I have some ideas of my own. I’ve thought about a procharger setup that would of course need tuned into (this is where JHM steps in) the ECU and TCU because I’m sure with even 12.5 psi your shift points would change in an automatic… or maybe that’s when I swap to a six speed. who knows. but you get the idea.

Thank you for the advise on tires. I was thinking about that recently and I’ll have to check some out soon. I was thinking about the whole winter thing living in Idaho. I’ll probably wait to put on the nice wheels until March or even April… I won’t have them until November at least maybe a late Christmas present to myself but I can get everything taken care of in the mean time. I need to get my oil changed matter of fact…

Right now she’s really nothing fancy. She is completely stock rolling on the audi 17 5-spoke setup. I want to go to a six spoke. I think it looks a helluva lot better. I will post picks seems how the only one I have is the one from the day I bought her.

I was really trying to step up in the world vehicle, My first car was a saturn, followed by a focus. I loved my saturn for some explainable reason and hated my focus, I was glad to get rid of it. I found this car and took it for a drive and fell in love. she has a few flaws but nothing major, a ding on the passenger side interior.

The thing that kills me the most is shortly after I bought my Avant, my little brother bought a 2006 Nissan 350Z for about 2 grand more than what I spent. That thing is a blast. I want to show him I can keep up but my car is soooo heavy.

We made a deal to put our cars on the back burner and work on our brothers 1973 Pontiac Firebird. Its a long story. point being I don’t know if I am gonna be ok with that… I’m not happy being slow in this situation.

PES Supercharger is crap! Pick up the phone and talk to Bill at Induktion.
He had this car and put $7k+ into the supercharger setup.
Said the people kept tuning the ECU to get everything up to speed but the supercharger could NOT produce!
Or with their tune it would NOT adapt to get decent enough number for him. So he gave up and got a B5 S4.
His S4 from what I hear puts out almost 500WHP. His words.

For $7k+ I would do an engine swap to a VR6 Turbocharged, a 4.2L S4 motor, or the 3.0T S4 motor.
Make the car a sleeper. Looks like an A4 but pulls like a RS4!

I’d like to see JHM do the bolt on Supercharger and do an ECU tune.
That would probably produce some real good numbers?

From what I hear from a lot of people is JHM doesn’t run dyno’s… I don’t know if i believe it. People with the ecu and tcu tunes notice increased performance in alarming amounts so JHM has to be doing something right. I believe someone compared dyno tunes and quarter mile of a stock or other tune and JHM and while JHM had lower speeds, their times were just as fast. I would like to go faster of course, but if you think about it they are being efficient… Maybe not mileage wise but power wise definitely.

On the other hand I did just watch the supercharged rs4 from JHM (I think it said RS, maybe just S4) run an 11.97. I don’t see why they couldn’t do close to that with the 3gO. I have done a little research. this engine is capable of alot… we just need to tap into it. And we are. Slowly but surely.

If You have a VAG-COM it has some neat features and one could do a stress test Dyno.
My old VAG-COM had a stress test Dyno type tool that said my stock setup was 231HP est.
I tested it after I did the high flow CATS and exhaust plus K&N air filter and it said 267HP est.
So I think if stock was 220 subtracted from 231 leaves a difference of 11.
And so I fugure I subtract the 11 from the 267 that leaves 256.
Thats a gain of 36HP.
Not sure if thats a real gain or not but it feels like there was a gain to me.

I can’t get the old VAG-COM software to work at all now that I have the new VAG-COM.
The new drivers seem to have f-ed something up for the old tool.

jhm dynos for their own purposes, not to advertise a product based on a peak whp number.

and the 11.97 was an S4, limited by the motor. Last I heard the goal with rs4 blower it was low low 11s

itll be interesting to see what the 3.0 can handle

Best bolt on Supercharger.

Need to get JHM to purchace one and Tune our ECU for it?

I doubt theyd tune someone elses setup, plus the m62 is still rather small (m90 would be a better pick)

interesting the manifold looks like a squished 2.7t manifold

PES G4 is designed for the 4.2L V8.

Not a direct bolt on. Manifold would have to be re-done to to fit the V6.
Not to mention its its about 4 inches longer and a lot taller. Need a new hood.
Integrated intercooler and a $12.5k price tag!

G3 M62

Hijacked pdf of 3.0 owners from AW.