Seattle Drags: Wed. May 14 TnT (evening runs)

Gonna do stock and APR stage 1 runs

May 14, 2014 at 4:00 PM
Gates open at 4 pm with racing until10 pm

$40 Tech Card

$8 for Adult spectators and crew (13 years+)

FREE for kids 12 years and younger

Full Concession Stand and ICE Cold Beer!

Note: It is against Pacific Raceways’ policy to bring alcohol into the facility

Drag racing is weather dependent. Always call before you haul.

cool. tuned S6 on the forum. Like that.

Tune scheduled for wednesday @9am @Achtuning.

Good luck man, it’s always exciting to see these new cars make some passes.

Looking forward to the results! Ask PsYk to go with you in his RS5 :wink:

Didn’t realize there were so many members around this area! I’m going to request some time off work to try and make it down to this.

I just blocked off my calendar for that afternoon (from 3:00pm onwards).

What time were you thinking of going, Doug?

  • scott

Meet there at 5pm?

Sounds good… :slight_smile:

Nice! Looking forward to both results… Hope you get good weather/da…

Scott, get Neal to go… I’ll shoot him a note also egging him to go…

I’ll ping him about it. He’s on vacation right now I think.

I have an S5 buddy with a Stasis 91 Revo tune that is coming too. If Neal comes, it would be a cool day to get RS5, S4 Stage 2, S5 Stage 1, S6 Stock/Stage1

My pops is going to bring his RS7 as well.

Shaping up to be a cool night of racing. Hopefully the weather holds up.

that’s a cool group of cars. Get a B7 RS4 out. Call that guy RS4per and see if he can whip the RS7. Per has a TVS1900 supercharged RS4.


That’s going to be awesome!

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and making some passes.

+1 on the weather holding out

I’d rather not post in AZ lol

I’ve requested the 14th and 15th of May off work, if I actually get the days off is another story, but would love to get some passes done in 4, haven’t had a chance to run her down the mile yet!

Saki going to email Per now, I think he would make it out to this.

That would be cool.

Per is unfortunately out of town for this, but he very interested in getting together to get some passes done soon, so I’m sure he will make the next one.