I’ve got your back, man.
First, clear the pistol (cycle repeatedly, check with eyes and finger):
After that, release slide back forward, and pop the safety on. Press down on the guide plug and rotate the barrel bushing clockwise (keep pressure with your thumb or it might come flying out)
Release safety, remove spring and move slide back until half circle is where the slide release is:
From the other side, pop out the slide release:
Move whole slide forward and off of the frame:
Go back to the muzzle and rotate barrel bushing counter clockwise (4 o clock) and remove barrel bushing:
Scrub and clean as needed (inside barrel and chamber, rails, etc - I use MPro7 cleaning and lube).
Reassembly is kinda the reverse.
Insert barrel from the muzzle, insert barrel bushing and rotate clockwise. Place recoil spring guide like below and I thread the spring in to hold everything together:
Slide into frame upside down:
Watch out for this little arm that might stop the slide from moving back. Make sure it’s pushed down:
Line up the half circle to the slide release indent. Note to keep the barrel link end (looks like a loop hanging beneath the chamber) aligned with the opening for slide release:
Now put the slide release on, position it properly, and the pop it in (this prevents you from scratching the frame with it):
Move the slide forward, lock it with the safety:
Insert the guide plug, press down and rotate the barrel bushing to lock it in place:
Cycle it a few times to test and you’re good to go!