My beta looked pretty much like anyone’s production file in the logs, anyhow.
Yes, I do a general performance log, and a separate knock log. Mostly it’s because the sample rates drop off too badly, so I log only 8-ish parameters to keep scans at 4 Hz or so.
I’m not sure as it COULD be anything however the clutch has been solid for me can’t imagine why it would cause this. Yeah it’s so true, 99.9% of GIAC customers won’t find this but I do atleast 10 60-130 pulls a week, have tried on pump, race, starting from 2nd v. starting from 3rd etc… Guaranteed no one else has gone this far with a GIAC car lol…
Austin claims his car has never had any of these issues, which I believe bc it’s not 15 degrees in California. He also has a supercharger cooling system however not the APR one rather a Pre-Production AWE unit I believe. He claims no issues with his system. He’s been very helpful so far but I just want to test this new file and see if this issue is bypass valve related or CPS/Clutch/Testpipes related.
^^^that’s annoying isn’t it. Last night I hit 129.98 on one run without shifting. The alarm on my pbox actually went off (do you guys have the alarm at 130 so you know you’ve got it) so I just let off there, but the log showed 129.98.
Of course, who cares if you hit 130 in 4th…this is just a test of the car. If you have a 129.96 and a 129.95 and a 129.93 time…you will be able to figure out your 130.00 time within 1/100th of a second. So there you have it.
Yes reasonably sure, you’re looking at retardation due to knock, which will be more likely in the summer. 7-9 degrees is really really high!! What gas are you using?
IATs will reduce across all cylinders with higher temps according to a map/table, IIRC.
Take a look at the graphs above, you’ll see exactly what I’m saying.
EDIT: Saki that looks like a totally different field than what we have, so for your car you may be right. Not for the B8 S4.
Hahaha first world 6MT problems…try 7000 rpm like the rest of us. I keep forgetting how much power we are throwing away with the DSG and that last 200 RPM.
Nice! benn a while since I traded emails or talked with Arin but I know shell was going to send them some URT for free if they were willing to dyno it/test it… Said they would tweak the tune if needed…(hope he doesn’t mind me sharing that)…
There was a difference, but don’t confuse the logs I showed you where the port seperators were left in when I add intake spacers. Not sure if you are or not. Those were fucking ridiculous. I saw as high as 13 degrees when I left them in place. As soon as they were removed it was like a new car and very little if any timing pull.
Cleaning the CB out does help…the process as we all know helps remove some heat and keeps the flow at peak potential.
And Rich-- Nice job on the 60-120 time. Really solid shift and a **8.1 is flying.
Put on your LW wheels, I’ll get u some Shell URT 110 so we don’t have the issue with mixing with a little pump 93 gas, and the 104 tune and the car will def break into the **7s for 60-120. These DAs have been insane. Just no snow and we can continue testing.
Toluene FTW. The only thing is you really have to advance the timing because it really burns slowwww. Or the EGTs will get hot…
Essentially it’s oxygenated (ethanol in sunoco 260GT, or MTBE in VP and Profuels up here) vs non-oxygenated (toluene in Shell URT advanced). There’s good arguments both ways.
Yeah I edited my post, that field you logged may be different that ours, the timing seems to retard and never comes back…weird. Also that field has no reference to knock, ours does. But I don’t think the motor will pull timing on an individual cylinder due to IATs, unless you have 8 IAT sensors? Hey, your motor has 8 knock sensors too?
Still… add my minimum legit 2.04s 120-130 (not 129.82) to that, and not the potentially improved 120-130 time we were seeing with earlier intervals on Rich’s car… That’s a fast 60-130.