Where are all the fast EPL 1/4 mile times? (NO FATS, NO 60-130, NO DYNOS)

that’s pretty solid considering

  1. car was stock 250 hp
  2. small V6
  3. weighs 3600 lbs
  4. conditions were probably shit (almost always too warm when these shows are on)

Trap speed is decent at 120 mph.

Or possibly with the e-brake half on, the AC turned to 80 degrees, and starting from cruise control set at 48mph.

That was a different day than what im talking about. His 11.6 run was fall show n go. Unofrtunatly i dont have anything for evidence but my own 2 eyes since i was there. Justin NYCVR6 was there with me. Maybe hell chime in on it.

If you stop acting like an asshole, Ill stop calling you JibberJACKass, JACKass. It is obvious you’ve been working on your flop and you probably have a little update. Please inform is. either on this forum, or Aud!z¡n. You are so preditable.

Lol. No FAW, don’t call me those names!

Whats your email. I did a pull on the flatest pice of VA I could find. I think its level or less than 1% decline. Car was misfiring and rich, I think the Meth is eating the plugs but it isn’t a bad roll off the start run.

here is the results from the V-box. easy, easy take off as you can see it was a 2.6 60ft.

--------------- Run 0002 ---------------
Time 03:48 Date 16/06/2012

Accel results
Speed(mph) Time(s)
0-60 04.2
0-100 07.7

Accel Distance results
Distance() Time(s) @Speed(mph)
0-60’ 02.6 36.9
0-330’ 05.8 76.5
0-660’ 08.2 102.5
0-1320’ 12.1 131.3

Braking results
Speed(mph) Time(s) Distance(ft)
60-0 ---- ----
100-0 ---- ----

User range
Speed(mph) Time(s)
30-50 01.6
50-70 ----
0-100-0 ----

Vmax 132.9mph
Vavg 50.8mph
AvgLatG -0.00G
PkLatG 0.50G
PkAccelG 1.10G
PkDecelG 0.76G

pump and meth. misfiring (fault codes thrown) and rich. Not sure whats what there, maybe plugs. I will figure it out when I get to EPL on monday.

looks like I might not even need racegas to get this girl into the 10s

LOL that was pretty good.

will be interesting. The trap speed shows 131.3 but that’s a terminal speed, not a trap speed. So your actual trap was probably about 130.0 Definitely capable of a 10 second run however you’ll need about 1.5 seconds off your 330 foot time first (which is basically 1st and 2nd gear). Since you took about 2.7 seconds to hit 60 feet…which was probably about 35 mph…you only took 1.5 seconds to go from 35-60 mph. Pretty solid. If your 60 foot time was more like 1.7 seconds, you’d be looking at a 3.something second 0-60mph time which as we know is amazing.

How’d you launch the car? Does the file have launch control that you could use at some point? I’ll go review the pbox file to show you the other stuff like elevation.

Yeah, I will figure out the misfire and rich issue, it really fell flat around 7k and on the dyno it didn’t lose any power so I know it has more in it. When you figure out the slope I will figure out my goal for 1/4 mile on pump and meth.

This is all verified in the file, not the ‘best’ or the screen. This is legit (screen sometimes is optimistic…my 4.3-4.4 second 0-60 mph runs usually show as 4.2 on the screen for some reason.

On to Tweets…

7.62 seconds

595 feet at start, 574 feet at finish

Distance to cover speed range
1102 feet


So that qualifies under the 6speedonline (perfectly…don’t they have a 2% slope decline maximum rule?) Unfortunately you shifted 2-3 in there while staying in 3rd might have made you quicker. Of course you were doing a quarter mile run at the time but just saying your 60-130 time will be better when you are testing for that.


On to the quarter mile.

12.08 @ 130.43 - that was your trap speed, not the pbox reported ‘terminal speed’ at the finish line

Elevation change
-26.3 feet over 1320 feet = -1.99% slope

***pbox reports MPH as terminal MPH (i.e. when you crossed the line) while tracks calculate the average of the last 60 feet of the track. So that’s what I did.


Oh ok, we’ll I’ve never done a log of a drag strip but there are some that look just like that road as far as a slight down hill… It is what it is, a roll out p-box run. I slipped the clutch at 3500 essentially. I’m hoping a 132-3 trap at 10.8x on pump then. I can take my rubber mats clothing and backpacks full of theatre stuff out. Almost 100lbs there. This was on Half a tank too. Should be right in the hunt then. I believe they accept 3%

Where did I pull 1.1 G? Mind posting up a Jpeg graph of the run?

working on it.

looks like you left about 3 tenths on the table in shift time too (and more if you want to powershift the car)

so with a good launch, better shifting, there’s probably a really good time there. Not sure how accurate the 60 foot data is on the pbox. Primetime had 2.something 60’ data come out of his pbox, while the dragstrip said 1.7, so who knows how pbox is calculating it. Staging is very imperfect using a pbox.

Word. Yeah well, we will see when it gets to an actual strip.

Bump for tweetss4estate :slight_smile:

I can say thank you for congratulating me, so thank you.