The whole point of the thread is to gather information on EPL tuned cars and their performance, and to answer the question of why they don’t show up on ANY of the quartermile lists. It is not to make a conclusion from 2 quarter mile times. It is to make a conclusion from a history of performance that is disconnected from their dyno dominance. Nevermind the rhetoric. Nevermind the grandstanding. SOMEONE…ANYONE…please provide some data.
Further, the thread sought to have someone, anyone, provide ANY kind of explanation for this disconnect, or to provide quarter mile data that is more aligned with the EPL dyno success.
Nobody has provided any shred of an explanation for why EPL cars don’t do well in the quarter mile lists on the various sites, nor has anyone provided any great results that the various lists weren’t aware of. Not even tweets, their biggest fanboy. That speaks VOLUMES.